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Effected by Industrial Revolution:

Jacob Riis:

- began by living in poverty in America and later became a police reporter for New York Tribune.

- believed that "moral citizens", no matter what their economic status, should have the chance to change their lives for the better.

Housing Reform:

- inspired the public to seek urban, reforms through book "How the other Half Lives"

- added to reform in New Yoek through photos he took; specifically tenement housing reform.

- chose to work with upper and middle class philanthropists to bring reform (private wealth to help slums). *wanted better housing, improved lighting and sanitatian as wells city parks and playgrands to be developed.

- believed that upper class citzens would naturally provide chartiable funds to lower class people when they saw how they lived.

( "Corruption Runs Wild." Independence Hall Association. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.)


Thomas Nast:

- Nast was a loyal republican and his political views came out with cartoons where as Riis did not force his partical opinions through photos.

- helped the National Government create reforms to stop corruption in politics (specifically New York). This was in response to the 1876 Hayes election issues. He was very involved in America's conception of self which was the fact that it was a land of immigrant, freedom, and opportunity.

- addressed William Tweed's abuses of cheap immigrant labor and Grant's failure to encourage civil service reform.

- published influential political cartoons that focused on all races and ethnic groups sharing equivalent American citizenship.

- drawings focused on political and social concerns of postwar republicanism in urban areas.

(Keller, Morton. "Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum." Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. Morton Keller. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.)



- both immigrants from Europe.

- both focused reform efforts in New York.

- both used images to attract public to the problem needing reform however Riis used photography and Nast was a cartoonist.







Sources used:

1. Keller, Morton. "Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum." Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. Morton Keller. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

2. "Corruption Runs Wild." Independence Hall Association. Web. 10 Feb. 2016.

3. Textbook.

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